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Disorders of the nervous system accompanied by a reduction in blood pressure. Emotional instability, irritability, deterioration of memory, dispersal of the person, his attention is unstable, decreased working capacity.
Nutrition recommendations:
nutritious and diversified nutrition, with increased animal proteins, vitamins and table salt, strong tea and coffee in the morning and midday. The complete elimination of alcoholic beverages is also important.
pale skin, dizziness, flickering "flies" before the eyes, migraine, low pressure, fainting, shortness of breath, darkening in the eyes, sharp pressure fluctuations, heartbeat, weakness, drowsiness, increased flickering of the spots before the eyes, fatigue, noise in the ears.
Prevention recommendations:
- Apimix «Promed» 1 teaspoon + Bee Royal jelly
1 capsule 2 times a day. Course 3-4 weeks.
- «Super-Pollen» 1 capsule 2-3 times a day. Course 3-4 weeks. The shortage of copper and iron is more characteristic of women and leads directly to anaemia, hypotonia, migraines and depressed state, and by regularly using «Super-Pollen» it is possible to quickly replenish stocks of iron and copper, vitamins.
- Apimix «Tonus Plus» 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Course 3-4 weeks.
- Bee Royal jelly - 1 capsule twice a day. Course 3-4 weeks. Royal jelly is a kind of blood pressure regulator, so it can be used for both hypertension and hypotension (Alexeyev, 1993).
- The healing properties of the comb capping have been convincingly confirmed by the long practice of its use (Smirnova, 2004).
- "Aquapropolis" water extract of propolis (Kornilova et al., 2002) 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day.
Herbal medicine recommendations:
Decoctions: common barberry (root), periwinkle (herb), dyer's greenweed (blossoming flowertops), common Saint-John's wort (herb), wild strawberry (herb), stinging nettle (leaves), greater burnet (rootstock), Chinese magnolia vine (leaves, fruits), globe-thistle (whole), eyebright (herb), rosewort (root), rose (petals), pine and spruce (needles), cotton thistle (thistle), black cumin, (seed), dill (seeds), crowberry (herb), tribulus terrestris (herb).
Tinctures: Manchurian aralia, immortelle, verbena, ginseng, lily of the valley, maral root, Chinese magnolia vine, eleuterococcus.
Other methods and drugs: clove infusions and clove oil, essential oil of garden sage.
Use isn’t recommended for hypotonic disease: sorbus berry, hawthorn berry, viburnum berry, rose hip berry, medication of bishop's-wort, cinquefoil, phlojodicarpus, lycopus europaeus, pot marigold, horse chestnut, knot grass, bergenia, hemlock, elecampane et al.
You can order all the above bee products on our site https://pcheloprodukt.com/, and phytopoduction - order in writing with indication of the disease and your wishes in the form of feedback, or on e-mail zbut@pchela.com.ua
Remember, indiscriminate self-medication can harm your health!